Contest Rules & Prizes

Objectives & How To Win:

#1 - Travel and check in at as many participating airports as possible. Leave behind one of our patient cards on the Wings of Mercy Display board.

#2 - Raise sponsorships for your participation.

How To Earn Points:

Airport Check-In 1 Point
Sponsored Event Check-In 1 Point
Refer a Friend 1 Point

*For Refer a Friend, the friend must put your name in the referral box on their registration form to earn a point.

Instructions for Participation Objective #1 - Travel:

  • To qualify for the chance to win prizes, participants are required to register.
  • Individuals have the option to travel by air or by road to any participating airport
  • Once at the airport, sign and leave behind a patient card and check-in on the website to register your visit.
  • The announcement of the winners and the presentation of prizes will take place during the event finale on September 28th. Location(TBD).
  • The participant who checks in at the most airports wins. In the event of a tie, all the participants who are tied will be put into a drawing for the top prizes.
  • Each participant can only check in at each airport one time, multiple check-ins at the same airport will only count as one check in for the contest.

*If you are competing as a team of two each check in for the team counts for one point. Therefore, if each teammate checks in at the same airport it will only count as one point for the team.

Instructions for Participation Objective #2 - Fundraising:

  • Send your pilot profile link out to your network via text, email or social media to solicit sponsors.
  • The pilot who raises the most funds through their pilot profile will win a premium prize.

How to Win Airport Challenge:

  • Receive 5 points for every pilot from your airport who signs up online.
  • Receive 1 point for every sponsor donation your pilots receive online.
  • Pilot points + Sponsor points = Airport Team Points


  • Managers at airports earning 75 points or more receive a Hawaiian Shirt. 
  • The airport with the most points receives a trophy and bragging rights.

This video demonstrates how to share out your pilot profile page to friends and family.

Awards Ceremony

The airport with the most team points will have the opportunity to host a wrap-up dinner at their location.

Wings of Mercy leadership will provide the food and drinks. All pilots and sponsors will be invited and there will be a raffle with additional gifts and awards for those present.

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